Fuji X100T and VSCO Cam | Philippines part 1
Post by jpuchalski
Believe it or not, but when leaving for the four-month family trip around Asia, I decided I need something smaller and more compact than my old Fuji X-E1. Since Christmas was only 4 weeks ahead, I gave myself a gift: new shiny black Fuji X100T. Compactness was one major reason. Another one was the Wi-Fi feature, which allowed me to travel without a laptop, but with a tablet and smartphone only. Thanks to this setup I was uploading pictures directly to my little dual sim Motorola Moto E (another great compact yet powerful travel companion), processing with VSCO Cam and posting straight to the social media (here’s my instagram profile). No need to carry heavy computer, no need to wait with post-processing (at least the initial one) until I’m back at home in April – I can share some of the pictures already now!
Below you will find a sample of pictures taken with Fuji X100T (all SOOC JPEG’s) and slightly processed in VSCO Cam. In most cases I didn’t use the presets, just the basic exposure dials, because Fuji colors are so perfect most of the time.
Regarding the camera itself, I’m still getting used to the new focal length (I was shooting almost exclusively with the 35mm 1.4 for the last three years), but apart from that I feel like I have finally found the one. I won’t go into details, because there’s already dozens of X100T reviews on the net. Let me just say that apart from the obvious advantages like improved speed and ergonomics, this camera simply has a soul. And I mean it when I say that: taking pictures with it is magical.
P.S. I have no idea why and how to use the OVF, even with the digital rangefinder feature. Maybe it’s just not suitable for my photography style, because I only shoot with EVF (to make that framing perfect the first time). Please share your advise! What’s the technique and use cases for taking advantage of the OVF? Many thanks.
P.S.2 Click here to start following me on Instagram.
As a bonus, two pictures taken with the little Fuji X20: